
The flag of the Ethiopian Royal Standard

The Rastafari movement thrives in Jamaica

Rastafarianism is an Abrahamic religion that developed in Jamaica during the 1930s. It is classified as both a new religious movement and a social movement by scholars of religion. There is no central authority in control of the movement and much diversity exists among practitioners.

A-Ma Temple

The A-Ma Temple is completed in Macau

The A-Ma Temple is a temple to the Chinese sea-goddess Mazu located in São Lourenço, Macau, China. Built in 1488, the temple is one of the oldest in Macau and thought to be the settlement’s namesake.

Westminster Abbey

Construction begins at Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in London. It is one of the United Kingdom’s most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and burial site for monarchs.

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