Nestle creates wrapper that degrades in the sea within six months
“We know it will degrade in a marine environment within six months, which, compared to the flow wrap that it’s currently in, it’s about 450 years.”
“We know it will degrade in a marine environment within six months, which, compared to the flow wrap that it’s currently in, it’s about 450 years.”
The Pact, originally launched in 2018, represents 127 members, accounting for 85% of plastic packaging in U.K. supermarkets including Nestlé, Procter & Gamble, Sainsbury’s and Tesco.
Governors in Vermont and Maine signed bills on the same day that will ban plastic bags in their states in 2020.
The agreement promised to “promote a comprehensive life-cycle approach to urgently and effectively prevent and reduce plastic litter discharge to the oceans.”
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government will ban single-use plastics, which could include bags, straws and cutlery, in Canada in 2021.
Canary Wharf, the Estate at the heart of London’s capital, has become the first commercial center in the world to be awarded a ‘Plastic Free Community’ status.
The ban will come into place in April 2020 and will be applied throughout towns and cities in England.
The British supermarket will offer 127 loose fruit and veg varieties over the next year. The fruit and veg will either be sold in recyclable paper bags or loose.
The protocol requires countries that want to ship their waste products to other nations to first obtain the permission of the receiving nations.
In a historic conservation move the government of the United Republic of Tanzania has announced the ban on plastic bag use beginning June 1, 2019.