Climate crisis

Edinburgh buildings

Scotland is set to be 100% zero-carbon by 2020

A world run completely on renewable energyit sounds to be an impossible feat, but in a some places around the world, people have stopped burning fossil fuels for electricity. Another country is about to join the club: Scotland.

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France becomes first country to ban plastic plates, cutlery

The initiative is one small part of the country’s Energy Transition for Green Growth Act, as lawmakers aim “to make France ¦ an exemplary nation in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diversifying its energy model and increasing the deployment of renewable energy sources.”

People installing solar panels

Florida votes overwhelmingly to remove property tax on solar equipment

Solar advocates finally got a win in the Sunshine State on Tuesday, as voters approved a measure to get rid of property taxes on solar equipment.
With more than 1,970,000 Floridians checking ‘yes,’ the measure, known as Amendment 4, received more support than the state’s two U.S. Senate primary winners, Marco Rubio (R) and Patrick Murphy (D), combined.

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