30% of Barbados seas to be protected under innovative “blue bond” financing scheme
The Nature Conservancy announced it will work with partners to buy a piece of Barbados’ national debt and refinance it to facilitate this goal.
The Nature Conservancy announced it will work with partners to buy a piece of Barbados’ national debt and refinance it to facilitate this goal.
Barbados becomes the third Caribbean nation this year to repeal such laws used to criminalize gay men.
The government announced the plan to move to a republic status last year. It said “the time [had] come” for Barbados to “fully leave our colonial past behind”.
BYD (Build Your Dreams) delivered the first electric bus fleet for public transport in the Caribbean. The Barbados Transport Board recently received 33 BYD battery-electric buses and two more of the 30-foot buses will be delivered by December.
Saladoid culture is a pre-Columbian indigenous culture of territory in present-day Venezuela and the Caribbean that flourished from 500 B.C.E. to 545 C.E. Concentrated along the lowlands of the Orinoco River, the people migrated by sea to the Lesser Antilles, and then to Puerto Rico.