Azerbaijan mobilizes all forces to fulfill tasks set in Sustainable Development Goals
Azerbaijan has mobilized all forces to fulfill the tasks set by the Sustainable Development Goals, the Deputy Prime Minister said.
Azerbaijan has mobilized all forces to fulfill the tasks set by the Sustainable Development Goals, the Deputy Prime Minister said.
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan is recognized as independent state at first by Turkey, Israel, Romania and Pakistan.
The Transcaucasus Railway was the first railway in South Caucasus. It was funded by the Russian Empire as a strategic railway connecting the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea.
At its greatest extent, the Seljuk Empire controlled a vast area stretching from western Anatolia and the Levant to the Hindu Kush in the east, and from Central Asia to the Persian Gulf in the south.
The early Scythian kingdoms were dominated by inter-ethnic forms of dependency based on subjugation of agricultural populations in eastern South Caucasia, plunder and taxes regular tribute, tribute disguised as gifts, and possibly also payments for military support.
The Kura–Araxes culture was a civilization that existed from about 4000 B.C.E. until about 2000 B.C.E. The earliest evidence for this culture is found on the Ararat plain; it spread northward in Caucasus by 3000 B.C.E.