Over 150 organisations back call to ban oxo-degradable plastic packaging
Oxo-degradable plastics are being produced and sold in many countries, with society being led to believe they safely biodegrade in nature
Oxo-degradable plastics are being produced and sold in many countries, with society being led to believe they safely biodegrade in nature
The study, published in the journal Earth System Science Data, said global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels and industry were projected to grow by just 0.2 per cent this year. That would mean emissions have levelled off at about 36 billion metric tons in the past three years, even though the world economy has expanded, suggesting the historical bonds between economic gains and emissions growth may have been severed.
Jenkins, who has been elected to the Minneapolis City Council, became the second openly transgender candidate to win a race Tuesday night.
The race focused on traffic and other local issues in suburban Prince William County but also exposed the nation’s fault lines over gender identity.
The vote makes Maine the 32nd state to agree to expand Medicaid to thousands of low-income adults who qualify for coverage.
The initiative outlaws the possession of ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, requires background checks for people buying bullets, makes it a crime not to report lost or stolen guns, and provides a process for taking guns from people upon their conviction for a felony.
Maine voters decided Tuesday to raise the state’s minimum wage for the first time since 2009, bumping it to $9 per hour next year, from $7.50, and to $12 by 2020 as part of a national push by progressive groups.
Question 3, the Massachusetts ballot question that would have banned the sale of foods derived from animals raised in cruel conditions, has passed handily, setting new rules on the size of cages in which farmers can raise chickens, cows, and pigs.
Montgomery, which is the largest and one of the most affluent jurisdictions in Maryland, is the first in the state to require a $15 minimum wage, and the second jurisdiction in the Washington region, after the District of Columbia.
The Yes vote on Question 1, which would require in-person background checks for all guns sold among friends, online and at gun shows, was approved by a 50.45 percent to 49.55 percent margin.