China to create “forest city” to fight air pollution
Stefano Boeri, the architect famous for his plant-covered skyscrapers, has designs to create entire new green settlements in a nation plagued by dirty air
Stefano Boeri, the architect famous for his plant-covered skyscrapers, has designs to create entire new green settlements in a nation plagued by dirty air
China’s coal use and carbon emissions have dropped for the last two years. In 2015, China cut its coal use 3.7 percent and its emissions declined an estimated 12 percent, following similar decreases in 2014.
The two-story Smog Free Tower is an extra-large air purifier that acts as a vacuum, cleaning almost 40,000 cubic yards of air each hour and leaving a more breathable zone in the space around the tower, according to the design studio.
The United States and China, the world’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, have announced they will formally ratify the Paris climate change agreement in a move campaigners immediately hailed as a significant advance in the battle against global warming.
China announced on Friday that it was banning all commerce in ivory by the end of 2017, a move that would shut down the world’s largest ivory market and could deal a critical blow to the practice of elephant poaching in Africa.
The good news is that China will stick with its pledge to peak greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 or sooner, according to Chen Zhihua of the NDRC, China’s Chief Climate Negotiator.
The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly rejected the Trump administration’s decision to recognize the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
Earlier this year, the passage of the Digital Economy Act ensured that by 2020, all residents of the U.K. will have the right to demand broadband service at speeds of at least 10 Mbps (compromised down from 30 Mbps) through a provision in the law called the Universal Service Obligation.
If successful, China’s clean heating plan could decrease the amount of coal burned by the nation by 74 million tonnes (81 millions tons) by 2019 and 150 million tonnes (165 million tons) by 2021.
Belgium made the announcement this week revealing that Dominique Mineur, who currently serves as the European nation’s ambassador to the UAE, will transfer to Riyadh next summer.