Finland’s universal basic income trial for unemployed reduces stress levels
Citizens receiving a basic monthly income as part of a radical Finnish pilot scheme have seen a reduction in their stress levels, an official leading the trial has said.
Citizens receiving a basic monthly income as part of a radical Finnish pilot scheme have seen a reduction in their stress levels, an official leading the trial has said.
Iceland currently runs on 100% renewable energy, making them a global leader in the fight against climate change.
India passed a law to more than double its paid maternity leave, adding 14 weeks to the 12 already guaranteed by the government, reports the BBC.
The company’s namesake brand Gap announced a new commitment to obtain 100% of its cotton from more sustainable sources by 2021.
Sales of battery-powered cars soared 38 percent in the first quarter after models including Renault SA’s improved Zoe won buyers in Germany and Spain.
To avoid doing business with socially irresponsible corporations, the city is willing to lose investment incomeabout $4.5 million a year.
In the first quarter of 2017, China’s installed wind capacity increased by 13 percent compared to the same period last year, bringing the country’s cumulative capacity to 151 gigawatts (GW).
The order requires that more than 120 prisons hold at least one event a year to educate and inform staff about LGBT diversity and designate an LGBT program manager to monitor equal opportunity programs.
Atlanta City Council unanimously approved a measure Monday establishing a community-wide goal of transitioning 100 percent to renewable energy by 2035.
African Americans have made significant gains in life expectancy, and the mortality gap between white and black Americans has been cut in half since 1999.