Albertsons commits to UN Sustainable Development Goal #14 on oceans
Albertsons Companies announced that it has pledged its support for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, known as the “Oceans Goal.”
Albertsons Companies announced that it has pledged its support for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, known as the “Oceans Goal.”
The two sides agreed to establish the California-China Clean Technology Partnership designed to drive innovation and commercialization in areas such as carbon capture and storage
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the investment of $1.5 billion for renewable energy projects as part of the state’s pursuit of 50 per cent renewable energy by 2030.
The city of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania plans to transition to 100 per cent renewable energy, including wind and solar, by 2035
Responding to President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, dozens of state and local officials have vowed to lead where the president refuses to.
California will source 100 per cent of its power from renewable energy, including solar and wind power by 2045.
With the unanimous passage in both the Illinois House and Senate of automatic voter registration (AVR) legislation, it is safe to say this particular reform is moving along rapidly with bipartisan support.
ExxonMobil failed to fend off a shareholder rebellion over climate change, as investors with 62.3 percent of shares voted to instruct the oil giant to report on the impact of global measures.
The European Commission is trumpeting what it dubs “significant progress” on illegal hate speech takedowns by Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft vs their performance six months prior.
Danish wind energy giant DONG Energy announced its plans to divest its upstream oil and gas business for $1.05 billion.