Japan suicides decline as COVID-19 lockdown causes shift in stress factors
April’s 20% drop compared with a year earlier may be the result of delays to start of school year, less commuting and more time with family
April’s 20% drop compared with a year earlier may be the result of delays to start of school year, less commuting and more time with family
The Stay Healthy Streets initiative started in April to provide more space for residents to get out of the house and exercise while maintaining social distancing. Mayor Durkan now says that the closures are permanent.
The researchers are now investigating whether they can release infected mosquitoes into the wild, or use spores to suppress the disease, in order to reduce the incidence of the disease among humans.
Malaysia has not recorded any domestic malaria cases since 2018 after recording than 5,000 cases in 2010. If it succeeds in preventing more cases, Malaysia would be eligible to apply for malaria-free status certification from the World Health Organization in 2021.
Canada’s government is set to announce a ban on assault-style weapons following a deadly shooting in Nova Scotia this month that killed 22 people.
The government-funded study found that patients who took remdesivir recovered faster than patients who did not, potentially freeing up more hospital beds amid the COVID-19 crisis.
The new treatment is rapidly approaching human trials and hopes to have an FDA-approved treatment out the other end of the pipeline in 2-3 years.
After four coal plants in Kentucky either retired or were retrofitted, local asthma-related hospitalizations dropped and individuals used their inhalers less frequently.
In several of the patients the virus cleared up entirely, leading the authors to conclude that plasma “can serve as a promising rescue option” for severe COVID-19 cases.
“There’s never been a therapy for treatment-resistant depression that’s broken 55% remission rates in open-label testing,” the team says.