Half of U.K. universities have committed to divest from fossil fuel
Seventy-eight of the U.K.’s 154 public universities have joined the divestment campaign, either divesting or pledging to divest hundreds of millions from the fossil fuel industry.
Seventy-eight of the U.K.’s 154 public universities have joined the divestment campaign, either divesting or pledging to divest hundreds of millions from the fossil fuel industry.
The sudden jump in electric buses purchases is the result of a financial subsidy worth US$360 million, offered by the central government.
Britain is set to achieve a historic milestone this year, with more electricity generated from zero carbon sources than fossil fuels.
Ecuador’s Waorani indigenous tribe won their first victory against big oil companies in a ruling that blocks entry onto ancestral lands for oil exploration.
The China passenger car association’s first quarter figures are in, and electric vehicle sales continue their rapid rise, up 118% year on year, to over 254,000.
The Government Pension Fund Global, which was built off Norway’s oil revenues, will begin phasing out $8 billion held in 134 firms to reduce the fund’s risk from volatile oil prices.
Royal Dutch Shell caved in to growing investor pressure over climate change, setting out plans to introduce industry-leading carbon emissions targets linked to executive pay.
The prime minister of Denmark announced that the country will be banning the sale of new gasoline and diesel-fueled cars in 2030 as a means of reducing their carbon footprint.
RBS said it would no longer directly finance new coal-fired power stations or thermal coal mines, oil sands or Arctic oil projects and unsustainable vegetation or peatland clearance projects.