South America

National flag of Lesotho

Lesotho legalizes homosexuality

Before the current Penal Code Act, homosexuality was illegal for men in the Southern African nation as it is in many African nations, often punishable by prison or even death. However, in 2012, Lesotho became one of the first African nations to legalize homosexuality and in 2013 hosted its first Pride event.

Rainforest scene

Colombia establishes Chiribiquete National Park

Chiribiquete National Park is the largest national park in Colombia and the largest tropical rainforest national park in the world. It covers about 17,000 square miles and hosts important archaeological evidence in the form of rock art. More than 600,000 traces of around 20,000 petroglyphs and pictographs have been discovered in the mountain chain, the oldest of which may date to 20,000 years BP.

Tree frog

Ecuador formally establishes Yasuní National Park

Arguably the most biologically diverse spot on Earth, it remains the South American nation’s largest national park. It is within the claimed ancestral territory of the Huaorani Indigenous people and is home to two uncontacted Indigenous tribes.

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