Canary Wharf is now the world’s first plastic free commercial center
Canary Wharf, the Estate at the heart of London’s capital, has become the first commercial center in the world to be awarded a ‘Plastic Free Community’ status.
Canary Wharf, the Estate at the heart of London’s capital, has become the first commercial center in the world to be awarded a ‘Plastic Free Community’ status.
The massive wind farm now has 50 of 174 turbines spinning. When completed, the project will have more than double the capacity of the current largest offshore installation.
An area nearly twice the size of England will become a “blue belt” of protected waters after the government created 41 new marine conservation zones.
The ban will come into place in April 2020 and will be applied throughout towns and cities in England.
The British supermarket will offer 127 loose fruit and veg varieties over the next year. The fruit and veg will either be sold in recyclable paper bags or loose.
Susan Aitken, Glasgow City Council leader, said: “We need to be a Net Zero city. And we need to be the U.K.’s first Net Zero city.”
Selfridges, a major U.K. food retailer, now has all of their own-brand foods palm oil free, nine months ahead of the original target.
Greenpeace’s Opinium Poll revealed that 63% of the British public think that we are in a climate emergency with 64% placing the blame with the government.
The U.K. had a coal free weekend over Easter, breaking the previous record which was set in April 2018. The coal free period lasted for 90 hours and 45 minutes.
The company has said it is investing £16 million into reducing the amount of plastic used in their packaging. This initiative will remove 40 million plastic bottles from the world.