
Good news

Claudia Sheinbaum is sworn in as Mexico’s first female president

After a smiling Sheinbaum took the oath of office on the floor of Congress, legislators shouted “Presidenta! Presidenta!” using the feminine form of president in Spanish for the first time in over 200 years of Mexico’s history as an independent country. In her inauguration speech, Sheinbaum said that she came to power accompanied by all of the women who have struggled in anonymity to make their way in Mexico, including “those who dreamed of the possibility that one day no matter if we were born as women or men we would achieve our dreams and desires without our sex determining our destiny.”

Charging an EV

EV and plugin car sales are booming in China

August saw plugin vehicles hit a record 54% market share in China. Full electrics (BEVs) alone accounted for 31% of the country’s auto sales. This pulled the 2024 share to 46%, and with the market with plenty of room for growth, the year should end at around 50%. At this pace, the Chinese market is projected to be fully electrified around 2030.

Good news for LGBTQ rights

Thailand becomes first Southeast Asian country to legalize marriage equality

The bill legalizing same-sex marriage was passed by Parliament earlier this year, and King Maha Vajiralongkorn has now made it law by providing Royal Assent. It will take effect in 120 days, with the first weddings being expected to take place in January. The move means that marriage laws will no longer use terms like “husband” and “wife” and such terms have been replaced with inclusive, gender-neutral language such as “partner.” Same-sex couples now have the same legal rights as their heterosexual counterparts, such as adoption and inheritance rights.

Three Moroccan flags

Morocco is rapidly growing its EV production capacity

Morocco has already established itself as a leading power in the African automotive sector. It now aspires to lead the way on the transition to EVs. The country currently produces between 40,000 and 50,000 electric vehicles (EVs) per year. However, this is expected to increase to around 100,000 units by 2025. By 2030, EVs are expected to account for up to 60% of all cars exported. The country has also entered into strategic partnerships that aim to create a solid foundation for the electric vehicle industry and supply chain, with investments totalling about $10 billion USD.

Closeup hands of old woman suffering from leprosy

Jordan becomes first country to receive WHO verification for eliminating leprosy

Jordan has not reported any autochthonous cases of leprosy for over two decades, a testament to its strong political commitment and effective public health strategies to eliminate the disease. Following up on the Ministry of Health’s interest in verifying the elimination of leprosy, the World Health Organization (WHO) commissioned an independent team to assess this situation. After an extensive review, the verification team recommended that WHO acknowledges leprosy has been eliminated in Jordan.

Naloxone and Narcan

U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives

For the first time in decades, public health data shows a sudden and hopeful drop in drug overdose deaths across the U.S. National surveys compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already show an unprecedented decline in drug deaths of roughly 10.6% last year. That’s a huge reversal from recent years when fatal overdoses regularly increased by double-digit percentages.

Good news for transition to EVs

Norway becomes world’s first country to have more fully electric cars than gas cars

Norway has long been a standout, with the highest level of EV market share of any country and an aspiration to end sales of new gas cars by 2025. And now, sometime in September 2024, Norway will have more electric cars on its roads than petrol-only vehicles, according to an analysis of Norwegian government data. It set another world record with 94% EV new car market share in August.

Aerial view of river and mangroves

Brazil rooting out last of gold miners on Yanomami lands

In a rush for gold, illicit miners had contaminated rivers with mercury and other toxic chemicals and with human waste, resulting in a wave of disease among the Yanomami that led to food shortages and malnutrition. In February of 2023, Brazil launched a campaign to “completely eradicate illegal mining” from the territory, which spans an area roughly the size of Portugal. More than a year later, officials say they have destroyed 42 airstrips, 18 aircraft, and 45 barges used by miners, and have seized 24,000 gallons of diesel fuel. They are now close to expelling the last of the miners, Reuters reports.

Aerial view of forest with cleared areas

Honduras launches plan to eliminate deforestation by 2029

Honduras this year launched a plan to eliminate deforestation by 2029, with a special focus on recovering land used by criminal groups for timber trafficking. The plan aims to evict groups living and working in protected areas and to “neutralize and establish control” of roads where timber is trafficked. Officials have already carried out hundreds of operations and arrested dozens of people tied to organized crime.

Aerial view of large solar farm

Qatar and Saudi Arabia announce four mammoth new solar projects totaling 7.5GW

Four massive new solar projects are under development in the Middle East, with a 2GW solar project proposed for Qatar, and three projects worth a cumulative 5.5GW securing financing in Saudi Arabia. State-owned petroleum company QatarEnergy will build a 2GW solar power plant, doubling the country’s total solar capacity in one fell swoop. Saudi Arabian energy giant ACWA Power has also announced that it has secured financing for three large-scale solar PV projects worth a total of $5.5 billion USD.

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