The Sui Dynasty begins in China
The Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE) was a brief one with only two reigning emperors but it managed to unify China following the split of the Northern and Southern Dynasties period.
The Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE) was a brief one with only two reigning emperors but it managed to unify China following the split of the Northern and Southern Dynasties period.
According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, sent to present and confirm the monotheistic teachings preached previously by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.
The first known settlers in the Faroe Islands were Irish monks, who in the 6th century C.E. told of the “Islands of the Sheep and the Paradise of Birds.”
Tiwanaku was one of the most significant Andean civilizations. Its influence extended into present-day Peru and Chile and lasted from around 550 to 1000 C.E.
The first documentation of the cotton gin by contemporary scholars is found in the fifth century C.E., in the form of Buddhist paintings depicting a single-roller gin in the Ajanta Caves in western India.
A note in the text Cho Keng Lu, written in 1366, describes a sulfur match, small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, used in China by “impoverished court ladies” in C.E. 577 during the conquest of Northern Qi.
The first documented use of toilet paper in human history dates back to the 6th century C.E., in early medieval China.
The Early East Slavs gradually settled Western Russia in two waves: one moving from Kiev towards present-day Suzdal and Murom and another from Polotsk towards Novgorod and Rostov.
Guaranà are a group of culturally related indigenous peoples of South America. The traditional range of the Guaranà people is in present-day Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Bolivia.
The Cueva were an indigenous people who lived in the Darién region of eastern Panama.