New project to bring education to 10 million girls in rural India
Working in partnership with the government, Educate Girls operates in over 20,000 villages serving adolescent girls and young women who have permanently dropped out of school.
Working in partnership with the government, Educate Girls operates in over 20,000 villages serving adolescent girls and young women who have permanently dropped out of school.
The President further emphasized that discrimination against women is against the spirit of the founders of Pakistan, against the fair practices of Islam, and against the Constitution.
The lion population in Senegal’s Niokolo Koba Nation Park has grown slowly from a razor’s edge pride of 10 to 15 individuals in 2011 to perhaps as many as 40 today.
Under the law, which is being hailed as the most ambitious maritime fuel legislation in the world, ship emissions will be reduced by 2% as of 2025 and 80% as of 2050.
The bill, which passed the state house in a 64 to 45 vote earlier this month, adds the categories of sexual orientation and gender identity to Michigan’s 1976 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA).
The area is frequented not only by blue whales, but also by humpback whales, sei whales, at least two species of dolphin, the South American sea lion, and colonies of penguins.
An international consortium of 44 aquariums in 15 countries is banding together to create a huge captive-breeding-and-release program that aims to reintroduce 500 zebra sharks to their native waters in Indonesia’s Raja Ampat.
Just over a decade ago, 152 of the FTSE 350 Boards had no women on them. Now there are women on every board and the vast majority of companies have three or more.
“We are moving forward with our plans to simultaneously improve our service, reduce our cost, grow our revenue, and improve the working environment for our employees,” said Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, in a statement.
Governor Gavin Newsom told the Los Angeles Times that his goal was “ending San Quentin as we know it” and working to “completely reimagine what prison means.”