More Native American tribes are buying back their ancestral lands
As one example, the Klamath Tribes of southern Oregon purchased a 1,705-acre patchwork of meadows, wetlands, and timberland that had once belonged to them.
As one example, the Klamath Tribes of southern Oregon purchased a 1,705-acre patchwork of meadows, wetlands, and timberland that had once belonged to them.
“The near-term additions — which are largely underpinned by financial security deposits for interconnection, federal tax incentives and power purchase agreements — would more than double ERCOT’s solar and wind footprint to 64 GW in just three years,” S&P Global writes.
A small open-label trial is the first to test MDMA therapy as a treatment for addiction and the results suggest it is safe, well-tolerated and significantly more effective than any current treatment for alcoholism.
Energy think tank Ember reports that the share of coal-based electricity in India has been on the decline since 2018.
Hydrogen is on the rise as a green fuel source. Two-thirds of the global hydrogen production expected to be operational in 2030 has been announced in the last year.
Along with mushrooms, Cycloponics grows chicory as well as microgreens like mini broccoli. These are delivered via bicycle to local organic grocery stores.
Empire State Realty Trust, Inc. is now the largest 100% user of green power in real estate in the United States.
Many LGBTQ+ couples still have to pay six to 12 months of out-of-pocket expenses for testing to qualify for fertility services. Under the new law, insurers are required to cover these services immediately.
Beyond 2026, the company will start phasing out production of plug-in hybrids on the road to going all electric by the end of the decade.
Because of conservation efforts that began in 1979, the common crane (not seen since the 1600s) now numbers almost 200 individuals in the country, with more than 60 breeding pairs.