Seychelles to build world’s largest salt-water floating solar plant
The 5MW solar plant will require 13,500 solar panels, which will be built across 40,000 square meters of water. It is expected to commence in July.
The 5MW solar plant will require 13,500 solar panels, which will be built across 40,000 square meters of water. It is expected to commence in July.
Gov. Northam signed the Virginia Values Act, making it the first in the South and the 21st across the United States to pass anti-discrimination protections for the LGBTQ community.
So far, more than 150 Catholic banks, universities, foundations, and others have pledged to end their investments in fossil fuels.
For these people who are suddenly without income, businessmen and donors have set up machines that dispense free rice at several cities across Vietnam.
In the next few weeks, the European Union’s Food Safety Authority is expected to classify several types of insects as safe for human consumption.
“This shipment will help protect healthcare professionals working on the front lines against COVID-19 in the United States and demonstrates the strength of the U.S.-Vietnam partnership,” the U.S. embassy in Hanoi said.
More than 20% of Norway’s CO2 emissions come from heavy-duty construction equipment, motivating the Oslo government to say all new, public buildings must be built with “fossil-free” construction machinery.
The $1 billion program, which aims to cover 12 million families, is meant to assist them to “buy rations so that they don’t go hungry.”
In 2019, nearly three-quarters of all new energy sources were renewable, the most ever since data collection began in 2001, according to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
In several of the patients the virus cleared up entirely, leading the authors to conclude that plasma “can serve as a promising rescue option” for severe COVID-19 cases.