Kansas commission adds LGBT nondiscrimination protections
The commission that enforces Kansas’ nondiscrimination laws will begin hearing claims from people who allege they are being mistreated because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
The commission that enforces Kansas’ nondiscrimination laws will begin hearing claims from people who allege they are being mistreated because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
BYD (Build Your Dreams) delivered the first electric bus fleet for public transport in the Caribbean. The Barbados Transport Board recently received 33 BYD battery-electric buses and two more of the 30-foot buses will be delivered by December.
The team from Australia’s Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research found that a certain concentration of honeybee venom could be used to induce death in 100 percent of the cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells largely unharmed
The 2,585 square-foot museum invites visitors to explore happiness from a global perspective that includes historical insights on how the concept of happiness has evolved over the ages, and the ways in which varying regional cultures define the term.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, domestic violence has got worse. Now, Royal Mail has launched an online portal that helps survivors access support and advice free of charge, which has a quick exit tool and doesn’t show up in internet search history.
The Assembly ultimately passed the ban 9 to 2. The ordinance prevents licensed professionals such as therapists or school counselors from engaging in efforts to change a minor’s sexual orientation or gender identity
The company aims to have a net positive impact on nature by 2030. To achieve this ambitious goal, it plans to design all of its products for circularity – meaning that materials for one product are reused in a closed-loop to make other products.
Ventures Platform, an Abuja, Nigeria-based early-stage fund, is creating a relief program to provide emergency grants to keep innovation alive amongst African startups. The equity-free grants can be up to $20,000 and will be available to early, high-growth stage startups in need of cash lifelines.
Dictionary.com is making major changes to more than 15,000 of its definitions, from capitalising Black to updating entries about sexual orientation, aiming to foreground people over “clinical language”.
Yakima Chief Hops (YCH), a 100% farmer owned hop supplier for the brewing industry, has announced their latest solar panel installation for a total of 3,706 solar panels, the largest rooftop solar array in Washington state.