Meat-loving Germany is quickly becoming vegetarian
Researchers found that those who eat meat without any restrictions, are for the first time a minority in Germany.
Researchers found that those who eat meat without any restrictions, are for the first time a minority in Germany.
The super enzyme could have major benefits for recycling PET, which is the most common thermoplastic used in single-use drinks bottles and clothing. PET takes hundreds of years to degrade in the environment.
One standard test that quantifies the variation in size of red blood cells was found to be highly correlated with patient mortality, and the correlation persisted when controlling for other risk factors like patient age, some other lab tests, and some pre-existing illnesses.
If only 10% of global cattle herds consumed the supplement, created by FutureFeed Ltd, it would be the same as taking 50 million cars off the roadways.
According to The Guardian, “Seven in 10 voters support government action to address climate change, with three-quarters wanting the US to generate all of its electricity from renewable sources such as solar and wind within 15 years.
A recent Pew Research Center survey shows Republicans 18 to 39 years old are more concerned about the climate than their elders. By a nearly two-to-one margin they are more likely to agree that “the federal government is doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change.”
New Zealand’s Labour party has pledged that—if elected in the upcoming October 17 elections—all energy generation in the country will be 100% renewable by 2030. This ups a previous target of phasing out all non-renewable energy by 2035.
The project — named Longship after the vessels built by the Vikings — will store CO2 captured from a cement plant in southern Norway and an incineration plant operating in Oslo. The greenhouse gas will be pumped down in a reservoir built undersea on the west coast of Norway specifically for this purpose.
To reach zero emissions without carbon offsets, Walmart says it will power its facilities with 100 percent renewable energy by 2035 while introducing zero-emission vehicles for all of its fleet, including long haul trucks by 2040.
Citing the Paris Agreement that he and former U.S. President Barack Obama helped forge in 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping said his country would raise its emissions reduction targets. “We aim to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060,” he said.