Indian Railways pushes towards goal of full electrification by 2022 with new $42 million deal
Electrified rail technologies clean up the air around the rail lines and eliminate the point-of-use emissions stemming from rail altogether.
Electrified rail technologies clean up the air around the rail lines and eliminate the point-of-use emissions stemming from rail altogether.
The government estimates that the project, which will run until 2050, will eventually remove 18 million tons of greenhouse gases per years.
In the declaration, the five countries commit to step up ambition by 2020, enhance their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the Sustainable Development Goals, and intensify their cooperation.
A brand new type of cancer drug that acts as a “Trojan horse” to get inside tumor cells has shown promise in patients with advanced, drug-resistant cancers. Patients with six different cancer types have responded positively to the new treatment.
Global health experts at the United Nations are recommending that marijuana and its key components be formally rescheduled under international drug treaties. WHO is also moving to make clear that CBD-focused preparations containing no more than 0.2 percent THC are “not under international control” at all.
Following in the footsteps of Greta Thunberg, school children across the U.K. have gone on strike for climate change. A new initiative called ‘Fridays for Future’ has been introduced, this will mean that students will strike every Friday until the government respond with an appropriate action.
The measure protects 1.3 million acres as wilderness, the nation’s most stringent protection. It permanently withdraws more than 370,000 acres of land from mining around two national parks.
Currently, Stage V rules, based primarily on regulations promulgated by the European Union, are in force. Stage VI rules will slash carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions by 50% below those already strict Stage V level.
Tursunov’s bionic heart (or VAD) doesn’t need a power cord thanks to a charging system created by Israeli tech company Leviticus Cardio, eliminating one of the biggest points of failure in a device that cannot afford to fail.
According to U.S. NASA, there are now more than 2 million sq miles of extra leaf area per year, compared with the early 2000s — a 5% increase. The greening effect stems mainly from ambitious tree-planting and intensive farming in China and India.