Study finds CBD effective in treating heroin addiction
Given to patients with heroin addiction, cannabidiol, also known as CBD, reduced their cravings for the illicit drug as well as their levels of anxiety.
Given to patients with heroin addiction, cannabidiol, also known as CBD, reduced their cravings for the illicit drug as well as their levels of anxiety.
According to a new report from Moody’s, India will likely see the share of non-fossil fuel power generation capacity to 45% by 2022 against a commitment of 40% by the same year.
The World Bank has announced a 10-year Global Sustainable Development bond on May 16. The investment goal of €1.5 billion was significantly oversubscribed, reaching €2 billion from 69 investors.
The Fight for $15 notched another major victory with lawmakers in Connecticut approving a plan to implement a $15 wage floor across the state by 2023.
Ecuador’s Waorani indigenous tribe won their first victory against big oil companies in a ruling that blocks entry onto ancestral lands for oil exploration.
Lawmakers in Taiwan have approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, making it the first place in Asia to pass gay marriage legislation.
Susan Aitken, Glasgow City Council leader, said: “We need to be a Net Zero city. And we need to be the U.K.’s first Net Zero city.”
Estimates suggest 2018 was the first time there has been a reduction in coal-fired power capacity across the world since the industrial revolution.
The protocol requires countries that want to ship their waste products to other nations to first obtain the permission of the receiving nations.
In a historic conservation move the government of the United Republic of Tanzania has announced the ban on plastic bag use beginning June 1, 2019.