German diesel car sales plunge steepens in March
A decline in diesel-car sales in Germany accelerated in March, the first month after a court ruled that cities can ban vehicles to tackle pollution.
A decline in diesel-car sales in Germany accelerated in March, the first month after a court ruled that cities can ban vehicles to tackle pollution.
Renewable energy accounted for 103.6% of Portugal’s electricity consumption last month.
The plan envisions 200GW of solar capacity in Saudi Arabia by 2030. The venture may cost $200 billion and add 100,000 jobs.
China, the world’s biggest energy consumer, cut its 2005 carbon intensity level, or the amount of climate-warming carbon dioxide it produces per unit of economic growth, by 46 percent in 2017, Xie told a forum in Shanghai on Tuesday.
The new film from director Greg Berlanti – showrunner of The Flash and Riverdale – has outpaced expectation in the US where Variety reports it’s expected to take approximately $10-12m (£7-8.6m) on its opening weekend alone against a budget of $17m (£12m).
The economics of generating electricity from fossil fuels are deteriorating rapidly as renewable energy technology plunges in costs.
“With storage we can smooth out the intermittence of renewable energy and guarantee the balancing of power grids,” EDF chief executive Jean-Bernard Levy told reporters.
Malik says she had to work hard to break taboos and finally be accepted by a society that discriminates against transgender people.
The $25 million in financing from the EIB will enable d.light design to develop the installation of solar kits in sub-Saharan Africa and aim to hit its goal of reaching 10 million solar installations within 5 years.
A recently published data by the CDP researchers disclosed that of the 570 cities in its book, 101 cities now use renewable energy to source for 70% of their electricity, a figure that was previously 42 cities in 2015.