Los Angeles commits to planting 90,000 trees by end of 2021
Mayor Garcetti, who in late April announced his version of a Green New Deal for the city tasked the city with the goal of planting a whopping 90,000 trees by the end of 2021.
Mayor Garcetti, who in late April announced his version of a Green New Deal for the city tasked the city with the goal of planting a whopping 90,000 trees by the end of 2021.
As part of a 10-year deal, Norway will pay $150 million to Gabon to battle deforestation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Over the next five years, Timberland plans to plant 50 million trees. Partnering with nonprofits, the company will begin with projects in Haiti, China, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Tanzania, and Mali.
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Suriname signed a pact, setting up a disaster response network and satellite monitoring amid massive fires in the world’s largest tropical forest.
The Irish government has announced an ambitious plan to fight climate change, setting a planting target of 440 million trees by 2040.
Peru has just become the second South American country to commit to ending palm oil driven deforestation by 2021.
The firms will be planting trees on around 15,000 acres of land across England, as well as supporting work to restore original woodland and improving habitats that store carbon.
The law formalises a tradition of planting trees upon graduation, which is also hoped to simultaneously combat global climate change.
China has reassigned over 60,000 soldiers to plant at least 32,400 square miles of trees by the end of the year, which is roughly equivalent to the size of Ireland.
Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado founded Instituto Terra, a small organization that has since planted 4 million saplings and has brought the forest back from the dead.