New fund helps Black farmers in Detroit purchase land
Created in 2020, the Detroit Black Farmer Land Fund aims to address the historical racial land ownership disparity that has affected Black farmers across the country.
Created in 2020, the Detroit Black Farmer Land Fund aims to address the historical racial land ownership disparity that has affected Black farmers across the country.
Marquez is a celebrated environmental activist whose opposition to gold mining in her home municipality of Suarez saw her receive the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 2018.
Jackson made history as the U.S. Senate confirmed her by a vote of 53-47. President Biden nominated Jackson to take over the seat of retiring Justice Stephen Breyer.
Research from the University of Pennsylvania shows that attendance at follow-up appointments climbed among Black patients from 52% to 70% when telemedicine became a main mode for care visits.
The New Orleans City Council voted unanimously to change the name last week. Toussaint was a New Orleans music legend who died in 2015.
$15.75 billion USD will be allotted to Indigenous children who were unfairly placed in the welfare system, faced delays in accessing services, or did not receive them at all.
The APA passed two other resolutions: one on what the APA and the field of psychology must do to dismantle racism, and another committing to eradicating inequality in health and healthcare.
Facebook said it decided to make these changes to “address feedback from civil rights experts, policymakers, and other stakeholders on the importance of preventing advertisers from abusing the targeting options we make available.”
Black drivers, who comprise 48% of Philadelphia’s population, accounted for 72% of the nearly 310,000 traffic stops by police officers between October 2018 and September 2019.
“Race-norming” made it harder for black players to prove they suffered from injuries linked to their careers. The draft agreement means thousands of retirees may qualify for compensation.