The Republic of Sri Lanka is officially formed
Dominion status within the British Commonwealth was retained until 22 May 1972 when the country became the Republic of Sri Lanka.
Dominion status within the British Commonwealth was retained until 22 May 1972 when the country became the Republic of Sri Lanka.
Modern Bangladesh emerged as an independent nation in 1971 after breaking away and achieving independence from Pakistan in the Bangladesh Liberation War. The country’s borders corresponded with the major portion of the ancient and historic region of Bengal
Guyana achieved independence from the United Kingdom as a dominion on 26 May 1966 and became a republic on 23 February 1970, remaining a member of the Commonwealth.
The Zambia Independence Act 1964 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which granted independence to Zambia (formerly the protectorate of Northern Rhodesia) with effect from 24 October 1964.
Under the agreement, the United Kingdom, Federation of Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore combined North Borneo, Sarawak, and Singapore with the existing states of the Federation of Malaya in order to create the modern nation of Malaysia.
The Federation of Nigeria was granted full independence on 1 October 1960 under a constitution that provided for a parliamentary government and a substantial measure of self-government for the country’s three regions.
French Sudan joined with Senegal in 1959, achieving independence in 1960 as the Mali Federation. Shortly thereafter, the Sudanese Republic declared itself the independent Republic of Mali.
In 1958, France granted autonomy to the Republic of Dahomey, and full independence on 1 August 1960, which is celebrated each year as Independence Day, a national holiday.
The Malagasy Republic was proclaimed in 1958 as an autonomous state within the French Community. A period of provisional government ended with the adoption of a constitution in 1959 and independence in 1960.
In January 1959, Senegal and the French Sudan merged to form the Mali Federation, which became fully independent on 20 June 1960. The transfer of power agreement with France was signed on 4 April 1960.