Malays from Borneo become perhaps the first humans to discover Seychelles
The early history of Seychelles is unknown. Malays from Borneo, who eventually settled on Madagascar, perhaps lingered here circa 200-300 C.E.
The early history of Seychelles is unknown. Malays from Borneo, who eventually settled on Madagascar, perhaps lingered here circa 200-300 C.E.
The first documented tribes in Nepal are the Kirat people, who arrived into Nepal from Tibet roughly 2000 to 2500 years ago and moved into the Kathmandu Valley and Southern parts of Nepal, before being made to retreat elsewhere by the invading Licchavais from India.
Teotihuacan was the largest urban center of Mesoamerica before the Aztecs, almost 1000 years prior to their epoch.
Hundreds of burial mounds have been found on the coast and in river estuaries of the Senegal, Saloum, Gambia, and Casamance rivers. 217 of these clusters have been identified in the Saloum Delta alone.
The Dorset was a Paleo-Eskimo culture, lasting from 500 B.C.E. to between 1000 and 1500 C.E., that followed the Pre-Dorset and preceded the Inuit in the Arctic of North America.
The Dorset was a Paleo-Eskimo culture, lasting from 500 B.C.E. to between 1000 and 1500 C.E., that followed the Pre-Dorset and preceded the Inuit in the Arctic of North America. It is named after Cape Dorset in Nunavut, Canada, where the first evidence of its existence was found.
In the first millennium B.C.E., Iranian nomads established irrigation systems along the rivers of Central Asia and built towns at Bukhara and Samarqand.
The Bantu expansion is a major series of migrations of the original proto-Bantu language speaking group, who spread from an original nucleus around West Africa-Central Africa across much of sub-Saharan Africa.
The Slab Grave culture is a archaeological culture of the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Mongols from 1,300 to 300 B.C.E.
The Northern Marianas were the first islands in Oceania colonized by the Austronesian peoples. It was settled by the voyagers who sailed eastwards from the Philippines at approximately 1500 B.C.E.