Canada bans deep-sea mining, oil and gas drilling in marine protected areas
Brazilian photographer Sebastião Salgado and his wife Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado founded Instituto Terra, a small organization that has since planted 4 million saplings and has brought the forest back from the dead.
The Arbor Day Foundation recently announced its Time for Trees initiative, which aims to plant 100 million trees by 2022.
The project aims to reverse environmental decline and help people reconnect with nature as part of celebrations marking 550 years since the birth of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak.
Voters in Toledo, Ohio voted overwhelmingly to approve the so-called Lake Erie Bill Of Rights, a declaration that the lake has the legal right to be protected from harm from human activity.
DyeCoo uses a machine that dyes fabrics with pressurized CO2, which allows dyes to quickly dissolve and penetrate the textile — all without the use of water or chemicals.
The government estimates that the project, which will run until 2050, will eventually remove 18 million tons of greenhouse gases per years.
According to U.S. NASA, there are now more than 2 million sq miles of extra leaf area per year, compared with the early 2000s — a 5% increase. The greening effect stems mainly from ambitious tree-planting and intensive farming in China and India.
Greenpeace, which has long pressured the palm oil giant to monitor its suppliers across all of their operations, hailed the move as a “potential breakthrough.”
The commitment will ensure that these companies work collectively to help double the nation’s resource productivity and reduce avoidable waste by 2030. They are required to set targets to improve the productivity that are key for business.