2019 ozone hole could be smallest in three decades
The EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) says it’s currently well under half the area usually seen in mid-September.
The EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) says it’s currently well under half the area usually seen in mid-September.
Now, people who damage a river can get taken to court by the government-appointed National River Conservation Commission. They’ll be tried as if they’d harmed a living entity.
Beijing reported the lowest level of air pollutants in the first half this year since the city started recording related data 35 years ago.
Researchers and volunteers have cataloged more than 12,200 nests left by loggerheads, a threatened species protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.
Hundreds of thousands of volunteers are needed for the planting and bedding in of the four billion saplings.
Madhya Pradesh created a new Guinness World Record after 1.5 million volunteers planted more than 66 million tree saplings within half a day along the Narmada river.
An area nearly twice the size of England will become a “blue belt” of protected waters after the government created 41 new marine conservation zones.
The move would result in the city’s first food forest and the largest of its kind in the country.
Selfridges, a major U.K. food retailer, now has all of their own-brand foods palm oil free, nine months ahead of the original target.
China has reassigned over 60,000 soldiers to plant at least 32,400 square miles of trees by the end of the year, which is roughly equivalent to the size of Ireland.