Clean Technica

Electric bus

Nearly half of new E.U. city buses were zero-emission in 2024

49% of all new E.U. city buses were zero-emission in 2024, making city buses one of the early success stories of the European Green Deal. This growth is due to the faster-than-expected uptake in fuel cell buses, making up 3% of new E.U. city buses in 2024. Battery-electric, however, remains by far the dominant powertrain, with a 46% share. This success is due to both the new European regulation last year sending a clear market signal that the days of diesel buses are numbered and city-level policies such as zero-emission zones and fleet targets.

Heat pumps

Carbon-friendly heat pumps now outselling gas furnaces in the U.S.

Americans bought 37% more heat pumps than the next most popular heating appliance — gas furnaces — during the first 11 months of 2024. That’s a 21% increase over 2023. In addition to providing heated air in the winter and cool air in the summer, they are far more efficient than conventional heat sources — delivering three to four times more heat per dollar spent than oil- or gas-fired heating equipment or old-fashioned electric baseboard heat. To decarbonize the economy by 2050, heat pumps need to be 100% of heating system sales.

Dongying floating solar farm

China activates world’s largest offshore floating solar installation

China’s state-owned CHN Energy has begun generating electricity at a 1 gigawatt offshore floating solar park, 5 miles off the coast of the city of Dongying in Shandong province. The park can generate 1.78 billion kilowatt-hours of power each year — enough to meet the energy needs of 2.6 million city dwellers. The offshore floating solar installation consists of 2,934 PV platforms installed using large-scale steel truss platforms affixed to foundations made of pilings.

Professional workers clean and inspect solar panels on a floating buoy. Power plant with water

China adds unprecedented 160 GW of solar power in first 3 quarters of 2024

China has added a total of 160 GW of solar power so far this year. Putting that total into some context, China hit a total, country-wide solar power capacity of 770 GW in August. After years of installing more solar power than any other nation, the first 9 months of this year accounted for roughly 20% of China’s total solar installations and roughly 10% of humanity’s total solar installations, a truly astounding and record-breaking amount. China yet again has proven itself as the undisputed global leader in renewable energy.

Charging an EV

EV and plugin car sales are booming in China

August saw plugin vehicles hit a record 54% market share in China. Full electrics (BEVs) alone accounted for 31% of the country’s auto sales. This pulled the 2024 share to 46%, and with the market with plenty of room for growth, the year should end at around 50%. At this pace, the Chinese market is projected to be fully electrified around 2030.

Three Moroccan flags

Morocco is rapidly growing its EV production capacity

Morocco has already established itself as a leading power in the African automotive sector. It now aspires to lead the way on the transition to EVs. The country currently produces between 40,000 and 50,000 electric vehicles (EVs) per year. However, this is expected to increase to around 100,000 units by 2025. By 2030, EVs are expected to account for up to 60% of all cars exported. The country has also entered into strategic partnerships that aim to create a solid foundation for the electric vehicle industry and supply chain, with investments totalling about $10 billion USD.

An Aerial/Drone Shot of The capital city of Tanzania

Bus rapid transit stations in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania are getting EV charging stations

Tanzania has one of the most advanced Bus Rapid Transit systems on the African continent. Known as the DART, Dar Rapid Transit Agency began operations in 2016 and has 29 stations around Tanzania’s largest city, Dar es Salaam. In a significant step towards promoting sustainable transportation in Tanzania, the DART has signed a landmark contract with TRÍ to install an advanced electric charging system within the DART infrastructure.

Good news for transition to EVs

Norway becomes world’s first country to have more fully electric cars than gas cars

Norway has long been a standout, with the highest level of EV market share of any country and an aspiration to end sales of new gas cars by 2025. And now, sometime in September 2024, Norway will have more electric cars on its roads than petrol-only vehicles, according to an analysis of Norwegian government data. It set another world record with 94% EV new car market share in August.

Charging an EV

Kenya to acquire 1,000 EVs per year for federal staff

The Kenyan government’s move to start buying electric vehicles could be good news for companies that are looking assemble or retail electric cars in the country. The announcement just said “vehicles,” and therefore could include electric buses, trucks, and motorcycles as well, which would be a major boost for Kenya’s nascent electric vehicle ecosystem.

Charging an EV

Major new commitment from nearly 350 mayors to accelerate U.S. electric vehicle transition

As a part of the 2nd anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, nearly 350 Climate Mayors announced a commitment to electrify at least 50% of municipal fleets by 2030 while increasing electric vehicle (EV) chargers by at least 500%, with at least 40% of the charging infrastructure benefitting disadvantaged communities. This collective effort is a pivotal move to meet the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal to make 50% of all new vehicle sales electric by 2030.

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