A household heat pump

​Carbon-friendly heat pumps now outselling gas furnaces in the U.S.​

Good News for Humankind 🌏

The world’s latest milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, health, and more

17 February 2025 C.E.

Carbon-friendly heat pumps now outselling gas furnaces in the U.S.

Americans bought 37% more heat pumps than the next most popular heating appliance — gas furnaces — during the first 11 months of 2024. That’s a 21% increase over 2023. In addition to providing heated air in the winter and cool air in the summer, they are far more efficient than conventional heat sources — delivering three to four times more heat per dollar spent than oil- or gas-fired heating equipment or old-fashioned electric baseboard heat. To decarbonize the economy by 2050, heat pumps need to be 100% of heating system sales.

Nearly 20,000 animals seized in global wildlife trafficking crackdown

Big cats, birds, primates, and pangolins were among the nearly 20,000 animals rescued in a recent global operation against wildlife and forestry traffickers. Led by Interpol and the World Customs Organization, the campaign involved police, customs, border patrol, forestry, and wildlife officials from 138 countries. Six transnational criminal networks suspected of trafficking animals and plants were identified, with 365 arrests made.

Brazil bans smartphones in schools to aim for better learning

Brazil’s Ministry of Education says that the restriction aims to protect students’ mental and physical health while promoting more rational use of technology. Institutions, governments, parents, and others have for years have associated smartphone use by children with bullying, suicidal ideation, anxiety, and loss of concentration necessary for learning. China moved last year to limit children’s use of smartphones, while France has banned smartphones in schools for kids aged six to 15.

Marshall Islands protects ‘pristine’ Pacific corals with first marine sanctuary

The Marshall Islands government has announced it will protect an area of the Pacific Ocean described as one of the most “remote, pristine” marine ecosystems on Earth. The 18,500-square-mile marine sanctuary covers two of the country’s northernmost uninhabited atolls and the surrounding deep sea, and it is the first federal marine protected area (MPA) established by the Pacific Island nation. Fishing and other extractive activities will now be strictly forbidden, future-proofing the area against threats and formalizing protections.

U.S. approves “milestone” Parkinson’s treatment for 2025 release

The treatment, which will be sold under the name Onapgo, is essentially a subcutaneous – under the skin – device that allows for continuous infusion of the dopamine agonist apomorphine hydrochloride to reduce ‘off’ episodes. These episodes are periods during the day and night when lepodova medication wears off and adverse motor-function symptoms become amplified. In trial, Onapgo significantly reduced these daily off episodes by an average of 2.47 hours, compared to the placebo treatment.

Peter von Rittinger of Austria invents the world’s first functional heat pump (1856 C.E.)

A heat pump is a device that uses electricity to transfer heat from a colder place to a warmer place. Air-source heat pumps are now among our most effective climate solutions. In 1856, Rittinger recognized the principle of the heat pump while conducting experiments on the use of water vapor’s latent heat for the evaporation of salt brine. As a result, the heat pump was used to dry salt in salt marshes in Austria.

For the first time ever, a majority of U.S. homes are heated by climate-friendly heat pumps (2040 C.E. ???)

In a major climate crisis milestones, after decades of fossil fuel dominance in household heating systems, climate-friendly heat pumps become the most common option across the country. The 2020s and 30s see exponential growth in heat pump sales due to increased public urgency on climate, growing consumer awareness about heat pumps, aggressive government rebates, and improved technology that allowed heat pumps to withstand even bitterly cold winters.

These milestones have been added to the Archive of Human Genius – our database of social change milestones – past, present & future.

Call on Congress to defend critical government agencies

From EarthJustice: In just a few short weeks, President Trump has closed critical environmental enforcement offices, frozen federal funding for environmental projects, and laidoff thousands of federal workers. Tell Congress to do everything in their power to hold the line and ensure agencies like the EPA have the tools and expertise to continue protecting our health and the environment. Send a message.

This week’s calendar

Weekly reflection

Hi beautiful people,

Honestly, it’s Sunday night, and I’m tired and not particularly inspired to write anything like I usually do here. So maybe for this week, it’s enough just to invite you again to my daily GET S*** DONE Work Group.

Every day, somewhere between one to ten of us get together by video conference. We each share what we want to get done — professionally, creatively, or personally — and what might get in our way of achieving that. We then put ourselves on mute and go do it. At the end of 90 minutes, we report back to everyone what we got done. That’s it!

I know it sounds almost stupidly simple. But I promise you: It works. Since I’ve integrated this into my daily flow, I’ve become so much more focused, consistent, and productive. And doing it with others is just a more fun way to spend my time.

Curious? Come try it out sometime. It’s totally free. And there’s never any pressure or expectation to continue on. You can join one time ever, once a month, or every day. Whatever works best for you.

What have you been putting off? Could a little group accountability give you the boost you need to finally get it done once and for all?

If you’re interested, just reply to this email, and let’s chat.


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