Good news for humankind!
From the week of December 4 – 10 2023 C.E.
Biden administration forgives another $4.8 billion in student loan debt for 80,300 borrowers
The Biden administration has now canceled an unprecedented $130 billion in student debt for more than 3.6 million Americans, offering much-needed relief to low-income families across the country.
Over 60 countries pledge to slash emission from cooling sector
Conventional cooling, such as air conditioning, is a major driver of climate change, responsible for over 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If not managed properly, energy needs for space cooling will triple by 2050, together with associated emissions.
Japan completes and begins operating world’s largest fusion reactor
The reactor, dubbed JT-60SA, represents the latest testbed for a potentially transformative source of renewable energy harvested from atoms fusing together under immense pressure and incredibly high temperatures — without risking a nuclear meltdown.
E.U. agrees to ban exports of waste plastic to poor countries
“The EU will finally assume responsibility for its plastic waste by banning its export to non-OECD countries,” said Pernille Weiss, a Danish member of the European parliament. “Once again, we follow our vision that waste is a resource when it is properly managed, but should not in any case be causing harm to the environment or human health.”
Once-a-day pill for stubborn cancer delivers a 62.5% positive response
In the first trial, at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Center in Australia, patients receiving just divarasib had a 35.9% positive response rate, which was considered extremely promising.
Brazil launches $204 million drive to restore Amazon rainforest
Brazil’s national development bank BNDES has launched the Arc of Restoration program to restore degraded or destroyed woodland amounting to 23,160 square miles – an area nearly the size of Latvia – in the Amazon rainforest by 2030. It also seeks to capture 1.65 billion tons of carbon from the atmosphere by 2030.
Yara announces world’s first clean ammonia-powered container ship
Green ammonia offers a solution to one of the hardest tasks in decarbonization: replacing diesel in large ships. Yara is stepping forward with a commitment to launch the world’s first clean ammonia-powered container ship, ready for service in 2026. Shipping is responsible for between 1.7 and 3% of global CO2 emissions.
Canada launches new 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline
This three-digit hotline, similar to 911 for emergencies, connects individuals to critical suicide prevention services, giving instant assistance 24/7, free of charge. According to Statistics Canada, 4,500 individuals across the nation die by suicide every year.
Panama copper mine to close after Supreme Court rules concession unconstitutional
Minera Panamá will have to close the Cobre Panamá mine after the country’s highest court unanimously ruled that the terms of its contract were unconstitutional. The decision comes amid nationwide protests that blocked roads and shipping routes as Panamanians fought back against the mining sector due to its environmental impacts.
Psilocybin analog leads to 79% of remission in mid-stage depression trial
After only two doses, nearly eight out of ten participants in a phase 2 trial by Toronto-based pharmaceutical company Cybin experienced remission from major depressive disorder at six weeks. The company has a planned phase 3 study slated to commence by the end of Q1 2024.
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Discovery calls
Reminder! I offer an introductory one-hour coaching call to anyone who is interested – no charge, no expectations. This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other, to explore what we might work on together, and for you to get support on whatever challenge or question is alive for you.
Common questions that coaching can address:
- What’s my purpose in this chapter of my life?
- How can I better align my career with my purpose and values?
- What are the unique qualities and gifts that I offer to the world?
- What are the unconscious limiting beliefs holding me back?
- How can I make a difference in today’s world without succumbing to overwhelm, burnout, despair, hopelessness, and cynicism?
Curious? I’d love to connect with you sometime soon.

Peter Schulte
Life & Career Coach
Founder & Executive Director, Spark of Genius
1 on 1 Coaching
I help purpose-driven leaders tap into their innate genius, walk their authentic path, and make their deepest contribution to the greater good. Learn more.
Peter Schulte
Purpose Coach
Bellingham WA, USA / Lummi & Nooksack lands
Purpose statement: I reveal a world of beauty and goodness
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