Good News for Humankind 🌏

The world’s latest milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, health, and more

3 February 2025 C.E.

Power lines

African nations commit to electricity for 300 million people by 2030

The heads of 30 African nations have endorsed a plan to provide “reliable, affordable and sustainable” electricity to 300 million people who currently do not have regular access across the continent over the next five years. The plan is expected not only to boost renewable energy and economic opportunity around the continent, but also support new jobs. The World Bank has committed $30 billion to the plan, while the AfDB pledged $10 billion. The Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank pledged $1 billion in financing, while the Islamic Development Bank committed $4.65 billion.

Norway is set to become the first country to fully transition to electric vehicles

Despite its vast oil and gas reserves, the Nordic country has long been recognized as a global leader in sustainable transportation. Its EV sales have increased from less than 1% of total auto sales in 2010 to a whopping 88.9% last year — and this trend doesn’t show any sign of slowing. Data published by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration found EVs accounted for more than 96% of new cars sold in the first few weeks of this year. It puts Norway within touching distance of going fully electric — realizing a non-binding goal that was first established by lawmakers back in 2017.

China sets new fusion endurance record of over a thousand seconds

The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has determined that coastal marine ecosystems have rights of nature, including the right to “integral respect for its existence and for the maintenance and regeneration of its life cycles, structure, functions, and evolutionary processes,” per Chapter 7, Articles 71 to 74 in the country’s constitution. This is not the first time that Ecuador has established legal rights for nature. In fact, Ecuador was the first country in the world to establish that nature held legal rights, reported.

Two hundred U.K. companies sign up for permanent four-day working week

Two hundred U.K. companies have signed up for a permanent four-day working week for all their employees with no loss of pay, in the latest landmark in the campaign to reinvent Britain’s working week. Together, the companies employ more than 5,000 people, with charities, marketing, and technology firms among the best-represented. Supporters say the four-day week is a useful way of attracting and retaining employees while improving productivity by creating the same output over fewer hours and fostering a more fulfilled, happy, and engaged workforce.

Georgia certified malaria-free

The country of Georgia has been certified malaria-free following a nearly century-long fight to combat the disease, the World Health Organization has announced. It joins 45 countries that have achieved this milestone. Malaria has plagued Georgia since ancient times. During the post-war period, Georgia launched an intensive program focused on eliminating malaria. The campaign successfully interrupted the transmission of many strains by 1970, and the country remained malaria-free for 25 years. But by 2002, the disease had reemerged.

Thomas Edison establishes the world’s first commercial power plant (1882 C.E.)

Pearl Street Station located in Manhattan and established by Thomas Edison’s Edison Illuminating began with six 100 kW dynamos, and it started generating electricity on September 4, 1882, serving an initial load of 400 lamps to 82 customers. By 1884, Pearl Street Station was serving 508 customers with 10,164 lamps. The station burned down in 1890. It was rebuilt, and ran till 1895, when it was decommissioned, since larger and more efficient plants had been built nearby.

Humanity achieves universal access to electricity for anyone who wants it (2034 C.E. ???)

After falling short of its 2030 Sustainable Development Goal on access to electricity, humanity achieves a historic milestone in assuring electricity to every human who wants it. The achievement ultimately proves critical in ensuring dignified lifestyles for the poor, bolstering economic opportunity for all, and connecting us to our distant loved ones.

These milestones have been added to the Archive of Human Genius – our database of social change milestones – past, present & future.

U.S. Governors: Uphold the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement

From The Paris Climate Agreement is the backbone of international action to tackle the climate crisis. While Donald Trump withdraws our country from the agreement and the federal government neglects our climate and communities, states can pass their own laws to reduce climate pollution and speed up the transition to renewable energy. Many states have already started. Stand with us to call on state governors to stand up for climate justice and uphold our country’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement. Send a message to your governor.

This week’s calendar

Weekly reflection

Hi beautiful people,

As the weeks go on, we continue seeing what we might deem insanity, stupidity, foolishness, hatred, or heartlessness coming from our political and corporate “leaders.” Just this week, just hours after a devastating air crash in which dozens of families lost their loved ones, President Trump took that opportunity not to console or unite but to blame diversity.

There’s a lot that could be said about this. It is beyond ridiculous and asinine. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it.

But what feels most alive for me is just to assert that true leadership is first and foremost about not placing blame. It’s about taking responsibility and being accountable. It’s about affirming our own agency in the world. It’s about healing, uniting, and charting a constructive path forward.

We are now being modeled a “leadership” that is the complete antithesis of this. Trump and his cronies never take responsibility for anything. They always blame and deflect. They are not leaders and never will be, barring some radical change of heart.

In moments like this, we can certainly point to the obvious lies, cynicism, and ignorance of their approach. In fact, doing so is important and necessary to affirm the sanity of those being gaslit, blamed, and condemned. We must speak the truth about what is happening with courage and clarity.

But perhaps even more important and necessary is for each of us to step up into this void of leadership. It’s to actually take as much responsibility for our lives and world as much as we possibly can. When we focus our energy on blame and condemnation, we actually just do their bidding. We aid and abate this foolish worldview.

Where in your life have you been blaming or condemning? What might it mean for you to practice true leadership instead?

We need you.


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