Germany to become second E.U. nation to legalize recreational cannabis
The plan has yet to be formally approved in parliament, but is expected to become law as soon as 2024 after the nation’s coalition government recently agreed to it.
The plan has yet to be formally approved in parliament, but is expected to become law as soon as 2024 after the nation’s coalition government recently agreed to it.
Germany’s new program will support Afghans suffering persecution at the hands of the Taliban, including women’s and human rights advocates and people who have persecuted because of their religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
The German reinsurance group Munich Re will no longer invest in or insure the planning, financing, construction or operation of new oil and gasfields, new oil-fired power plants or developments in “midstream” oil infrastructure, beginning in April 2023.
A French research company interviewed more than 4,000 adults across France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. More than 50% reported having reduced their meat consumption in the last five years largely for environmental, animal welfare, and personal health reasons.
A new treatment from Friedrich-Alexander University in Germany drove the disease into remission in all of its five patients, who have now been off lupus medication for between three and 17 months.
The new route in Lower Saxony will use only hydrogen fuel cell trains, replacing diesel trains that pollute the air and contribute to climate change.
The Bochum researchers hope that an early diagnosis based on the amyloid-beta misfolding could help to apply Alzheimer’s drugs at such an early stage that they have a significantly better effect.
Some 6.2 million workers in Germany are set to benefit from a minimum wage increase to to €12 ($12.90) per hour – an increase of €2.18 per hour effective on October 1.
The decision is part of reparations for a period of colonial rule during which Germany committed a genocide against the Namibian people.
The legislation effectively removes the renewable levy added to power bills and as a result, an average German family can look forward to saving approximately 300 euros per year.