New satellite network to find and monitor methane super-emitters
“These sort of methane emissions are kind of like invisible wildfires across the landscape,” Carbon Mapper CEO and University of Arizona research scientist Riley Duren said.
“These sort of methane emissions are kind of like invisible wildfires across the landscape,” Carbon Mapper CEO and University of Arizona research scientist Riley Duren said.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled this week a federal carbon tax that is legal pursuant to the “peace, order, and good government” provisions of the Canadian constitution.
A single application last ten years and can be used anywhere, from a commercial farming operation to a simple backyard lawn. Treated plants can capture one ton of carbon per year or 10 tons per application.
It is estimated that illegal fishing accounts for about 30% of all fishing worldwide, representing up to 26 million tons of fish caught annually at a cost to the global economy of more than $23 billion a year.
In addition to expanding its fleet of zero-emissions and assisting the electrification of its public transportation, the investment will also support municipalities, transit authorities, and school boards.
The government has proposed providing up to $3.16 billion to partner with provinces, territories, NGOs, Indigenous communities, and more to plant two billion trees.
The new study reports the addition of MDMA to the couples therapy protocol resulted in effects that were, “on par with, or greater than, those achieved with CBCT [cognitive-behavioral conjoint therapy] alone.”
The move is part of the province’s $6.7 billion investment over the next five years to help it reduce its impact on climate change.
The recent development, promises to be a huge boost to the annual fight against the seasonal flu, as plants can be engineered to produce viral proteins and cultivated at scale.
The New Leaf project took 115 homeless people who were confirmed not to have serious mental or substance abuse problems, and put $7,500 in the pockets of 50 of them to see if they could turn their life around. One entire year later, most recipients still had $1,000 in savings and 67% were could still feed themselves every day.