Author name: Peter Schulte

I’m the founder & Executive Director of 501c3 nonprofit Spark of Genius. In this role, I edit the weekly Good News For Humankind newsletter, write about personal transformation and social change, and serve as a purpose coach supporting anyone looking to make their contribution to the greater good.

What makes great coaching?

Ultimately, a coach’s core goal should be to get you into reflection about YOU. And this usually happens by letting their own personalities, values, beliefs, etc. take a backseat so that you are front and center.

Doomsday Clock

We now visibly witness the world seemingly crumbling before our eyes. We hear alarm bell after alarm bell after alarm bell. We watch in terror as the Doomsday Clock ticks down to midnight.

What is coaching?

Life coaching? Executive coaching? Leadership coaching? Coaching is many different things and can mean different things to different people. It is a huge umbrella under which many disparate practices and modalities can fall. With me, it aims to be a powerful catalyst for personal, creative, or professional fulfillment.

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