Football season
What “guilty” pleasure might you more fully allow yourself to just have fun with?
And nine more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of September 4 – 10 2023.
And nine more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of August 28 – September 3 2023.
We face many urgent problems that deserve our urgent attention. Of course. But a lack of beauty is not one of them.
And nine more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of August 21 – 27 2023.
And four more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of August 7 – 20 2023.
And four more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of July 31 – August 6 2023.
We do not choose what we dream. At best, we can choose which of our many dreams we pursue.
And four more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of July 24 – July 30 2023.
The monumental changes of The Enlightenment were about more than liberty and justice. For many, in myriad ways, day-to-day life was getting vastly easier and safer as the technologies and knowledge at our disposal grew and grew.