Global EV sales growing faster than forecasted and oil demand for cars likely peaked in 2019
EVs are now projected to make up between 62% and 86% of global car sales by 2030, with China enjoying an EV market share of at least 90%.
EVs are now projected to make up between 62% and 86% of global car sales by 2030, with China enjoying an EV market share of at least 90%.
Nearly seven million deaths from COVID-19 have been reported to WHO, However, for more than a year the pandemic has been on a downward trend, allowing many around the world to largely return to relatively normality.
While last year, the IEA projected that EVs would account for 21 percent of global sales in 2030, it now projects EVs will reach 35 percent of sales by that year.
By comparison, the total installed energy capacity worldwide (including renewables and fossil fuels) is still less than 8 terawatts.
Participants made 341 commitments worth nearly $20 billion, including funding for expanding and improving marine protected areas and biodiversity corridors.
More than 190 countries have approved the UN High Seas Treaty, establishing a framework for creating new protected areas and includes provisions on transferring technology, sharing scientific findings, and coordinating the study of environmental threats.
A painful, parasitic disease that once infected 3.5 million people per year is tantalizingly In 2022, just 12 cases were record worldwide.
The total number of EVs sold in 2022 jumped a staggering 68% from 2021. China led the world, both in number of EVs sold and in the fraction of its vehicle sales that were fully electric.
Investment in renewables, such as wind and solar, grew 17 percent last year, reaching $495 billion, while investment in electric vehicles grew a staggering 54 percent, hitting $466 billion.
The countries have agreed to cut fertilizer runoff from farms by 50% and reduce the risk of pesticides by 50%, while putting $200 billion annually toward biodiversity by 2030.