The Heian period begins in modern-day Japan
The Heian period is considered the peak of the Japanese imperial court and noted for its art, especially poetry and literature.
The Heian period is considered the peak of the Japanese imperial court and noted for its art, especially poetry and literature.
Kaiyuan Za Bao, or Kaiyuan Chao Bao, Bulletin of the Court, was an official publication which first appeared in the 8th century, during the Kaiyuan era. It has been described as the first Chinese newspaper or official gazette, and also as the world’s first magazine.
The map provides a graphical verification of the star observations, and are part of a series of pictures on one of the Dunhuang manuscripts.
Merchants would issue what are today called promissory notes in the form of receipts of deposit to wholesalers to avoid using the heavy bulk of copper coinage in large commercial transactions.
The first inhabitants of Jamaica probably came from islands to the east in two waves of migration. About 600 CE the culture known as the “Redware people” arrived; little is known of them, however, beyond the red pottery they left.
A panemone windmill is a type of vertical axis wind turbine. It has a rotating axis positioned vertically, while the wind-catching blades move parallel to the wind.
Based at their capital Huari, the Wari successfully exploited the diverse landscapes they controlled to construct an empire administered by provincial capitals connected by a large road network.
Tiwanaku was one of the most significant Andean civilizations. Its influence extended into present-day Peru and Chile and lasted from around 550 to 1000 C.E.
The first documentation of the cotton gin by contemporary scholars is found in the fifth century C.E., in the form of Buddhist paintings depicting a single-roller gin in the Ajanta Caves in western India.
A note in the text Cho Keng Lu, written in 1366, describes a sulfur match, small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, used in China by “impoverished court ladies” in C.E. 577 during the conquest of Northern Qi.