Humans settled near Lake Titicaca domesticate the potato
Various cultures of indigenous peoples in Bolivia developed in the high altitude settings of altiplano, where they coped with low oxygen levels, poor soils and extreme weather patterns.
Various cultures of indigenous peoples in Bolivia developed in the high altitude settings of altiplano, where they coped with low oxygen levels, poor soils and extreme weather patterns.
The Neolithic long house was a long, narrow timber dwelling built by the first farmers in Europe beginning at least as early as the period 5000 to 6000 B.C.E. They first appeared in central Europe in connection with the early Neolithic cultures such as the Linear Pottery culture or Cucuteni culture.
The historic origin of sesame was favored by its ability to grow in areas that do not support the growth of other crops. It is also a robust crop that needs little farming support and is resilient in extreme conditions.
The Linear Pottery culture is a major archaeological horizon of the European Neolithic. It represents a major event in the initial spread of agriculture in Europe.
The earliest known evidence of the domestication of Cucurbita dates back at least 8,000 years ago, predating the domestication of other crops such as maize and beans in the region by about 4,000 years.
Scholars agree that they were first domesticated from a wild form called red junglefowl, a bird that still runs wild in most of southeast Asia, most likely hybridized with the gray junglefowl.
By the Iron Age, starting in the 7th century B.C.E., the Iberian Peninsula consisted of complex agrarian and urban civilizations, either Pre-Celtic or Celtic.
The earliest known cast lead beads were found in the Çatalhöyük site in Anatolia (Turkey), and dated from about 6500 B.C.E., but the metal may have been known earlier.
Mehrgarh is one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding in South Asia. It is seen as a precursor to the Indus Valley Civilization.
Ubaid culture is characterized by large unwalled village settlements, multi-roomed rectangular mud-brick houses and the appearance of the first temples of public architecture in Mesopotamia.