Hi! I’m Peter Schulte.

I’m a leadership coach, writer, and musician. I help people lead lives and careers that give them a deeper sense of purpose, passion, and peace and contribute meaningfully to a brighter future for all. More about me.

Hi! I’m Peter Schulte.

The Latest

Good news from around the world and reflections on leadership, purpose, personal transformation, and social change

  • The Trenches

    The Trenches

    For centuries, humans in the West had been galvanized around the concepts of liberty and reason. For many, The Great War proved this spirit of humanity and progress a farce.

  • Climate sacrifice

    Climate sacrifice

    Have you been a climate zombie? What sacrifice might you make to help maintain a livable planet?

  • New drug offers breakthrough in treatment of asbestos-linked cancer

    New drug offers breakthrough in treatment of asbestos-linked cancer

    And nine more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of February 19 – 25 C.E.

  • A strong take

    A strong take

    When I really listen within, what feels most alive lately is an impulse to speak more powerfully and boldly, especially about ways I and others can be in greater integrity with ourselves, our society, and our planet.

  • Greece legalizes same-sex marriage

    Greece legalizes same-sex marriage

    And nine more of humanity’s positive milestones for climate, justice, freedom, peace, and health from all around the world from the week of February 12 – 18 C.E.

For people in search of more fulfilling and impactful careers, relationships, and creative projects

Peter is here to serve as your coach, guide, thought partner, sounding board, mirror, accountability buddy, cheerleader, challenger, and confidant through your greatest professional, personal, and existential challenges.

  • Sustain success and fulfillment at work
  • Transition into a new role, project, or life chapter
  • Connect to a deeper sense of purpose
  • Transform toxic beliefs and behavior patterns
  • Make your contribution to a brighter future for all

More offerings

A daily online container to cultivate focus, momentum, and accountability and finally get it done – whatever that may be.

Silhouette with fire behind

An in-person men’s group to share your troubles, get clarity on who you want to be, commit to action, and get support.

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