Good news for humankind!
From the week of July 31 – August 6 2023 C.E.
China to reach peak gasoline demand in 2024
With plug-in cars increasingly displacing gas guzzlers, China is now on track to begin reducing its use of gasoline starting in 2024, according to independent analyses from the International Energy Agency and Rystad Energy.
Work begins along California-Oregon border on largest dam removal project in U.S. history
When demolition is completed by the end of next year, more than 400 miles of river will have opened for threatened species of fish and other wildlife. By comparison, the 65 dams removed in the U.S. last year combined to reconnect 430 miles of river.
Taiwan to provide period products in all schools and universities
The Ministry of Education announced that over NT$100 million (US$3.18 million) would be invested in the provision of menstrual care products in all educational institutions and 10 other venues throughout Taiwan.
Australian state of Victoria bans natural gas in new homes
The government said from January 1, 2024, planning permits for new homes and residential subdivisions, including public and social housing, will only connect to all-electric networks.
Michigan bans conversion therapy for minors
The law prohibits state-licensed providers from engaging in the psychologically-damaging practice. Michigan is now the 22nd state in the United States to ban such “therapy.”
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Peter Schulte
Purpose Coach
Bellingham WA, USA / Lummi & Nooksack lands
Purpose statement: I reveal a world of beauty and goodness
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